
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Smilebox Yellowstone to Butte

This leg of the trip was one of the most amazing as far as coming across animals to photograph.  I was in "hog heaven".  We saw a couple of buffalo as we were heading out.   They are so huge and majestic and they just lumber along like gentle giants with no fear of cars or people.  There was a fox that crossed the road in front of us.  And most incredible of all was actually seeing a new born baby long horn sheep right after being born on the side of a mountain.  The mother still has the umbilical cord hanging out.   As we were walking up a vista point to see the river below some people had binoculars and pointed out the baby.  I found them with my telephoto and it was like you could reach out and touch them.  The mountain is practically straight up and down, but they found a little clearing area and in moments the baby was standing and nursing!  This day was the frosting on the cake for my animal photos.   Hope you enjoy them and the beauty of the countryside we traveled through in one day on our journey.

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